Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I’ve added a new feature to some of the playbill listings, you’ll now find a button that will take you to press clippings and/or reviews. You’ll see the button at the lower right side of the
playbill screen that will link you to that feature. Remember that some of these were scanned from photocopies (poor at the time) or from newspapers over 40 years old, but they’re
readable. More newspaper clippings will be added in the next few weeks.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
While looking for Christmas Decorations in the attic I’ve found another 200 slides, including production photos of “Company” one of my favorite productions. These together with some
promotional photos of the Meadowbrook interior and menu will be added to the web site soon.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
“Company” production photos are now online. Go to the list of productions menu and click on the “Company” playbill then click on production photos.
June 2012
Found some promotion photos that were used for presentation to potential theatre party groups - they’ve been posted to the web site. Also a letter stating the management point
of view regarding the Union work action against the Meadowbrook just prior to closing.
November 2012
Early in November we lost a wonderful person and very good friend. Marietta Rhatican worked at the Meadowbrook since the Frank Dailey era as bookkeeper. You can view her obit
here by clicking this link. We will all miss her. Marietta touched the hearts of many people.
December 2013
Just discovered another 80 or so slides of the Holiday Inn Dinner Theatre. Will be scanning and adding them to the web site before the end of the year. website
December 2017
Just found another box that contains programs from many Dinner Theatre productions, over 100 pages of press reviews, some brochures and many new
black and white photos. Currently being scanned and restored. The reviews were on old copy paper that has aged and we hope they can be restored.